Kamis, 08 April 2010

A light

A light
By Rugyinsun Al HAfizh

No one
Just I am
In the darkness
I don’t know
Where I am
Like a dream
But not
So bright
I saw the light
But so far
Impossible to reach it
I ran
I flew
But it’s still there
What’s that?

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

My teacher is beautiful

        ‘OK, Students, let’s we start our study.’
        All students kept silent, no one give response.
        The new teacher, Irma, looked at all her students. ‘What were wrong with you all?’  she asked her students.
        But no one who gave response. Irma tried investigated what were wrong with her students. She did it wisely, she didn’t want to angry her students. ‘It’s my first carrier. I must be patient of it,’ she said in her heart.
        ‘So beautifull you are,’ said Reizi, one of her students.
        Irma felt ashame of it but, she tried to make confidence in herself.
        ‘Miss, eh sorry, Mam, how if we discuss about something,’ ordered Reizi.
        ‘What’s the topic?’ asked Irma.
        ‘how if we discuss about love, we were in the third class of Senior High school now,’ ordered Ahmed, Reizi’s friend.
        ‘That’s good, I think,’ Reizi gave response.
        ‘OK, if you are all agree with Ahmed and Reizi, let’s begin our discussing.’
        Then the discussion  begun.
        ‘Mam, could I ask tou?’
        ‘Ya, you can.’
        ‘Mam, how do you think if a man love the older girl?’
        ‘I think, it’s OK’
        ‘And how if the older girl is his teacher?’
        Irma didn’t gave a response, seemed she angry to Reizi but, Reizi still convidence.
        ‘I think enough our discussion now,’ Irma ended  the discussion. ‘Now we continue our study about Past Perfect Tense.’
        ‘Sorry, Mam if I make  you angry. Mm… How if we learn grammar with listening to music. I think our study will be more exciting,’ ordered Reizi.
        ‘That’s good idea, Mam,’ the others agrre with Reizi’s order.
        ‘But we need tape recorder.’
        ‘I think we didn’t need it, how if we use my phonsel. I have many good songs.’
        Reizi selected the song in his phonsel. He selected a romantic song. In several time he found song that he selected, the tittle is ‘You are My everything.’
        ‘I do hope you are going to understand my heart beating, Irma,’ said Reizi in his heart.
        In the afternoon Reizi went to Irma’s boarding house. He wanted to asked Irma to walk around with him.
        ‘Whould you, Irma!’
        ‘Reizi, I’m your teacher. It’s not good if we go together.’
        ‘I know that but, that if we are in school, not in out of school.’
        ‘Sorry, Reizi.’
        Reizi through compelled Irma to go out with him but, Irma didn’t obey Reizi.
        ‘OK, if you are objected to go out with me, can I talk something with you, Irma?’
        Irma took a deep breath. ‘OK. Over there,’ she shew the  chairs in the front of her boarding house.
        Reizi talked seriously to  Irma, he looked at Irma’s eyes, made Irma felt ashame  of him.
        ‘Reizi, what do you want to talk to me?’
        ‘Irma, really, it’s been so long I become your secret admire. Really, I do love you, Irma.’
        Irma was socked to hear that. She didn’t believe that Reizi dare not to reveal his love to her. As teacher, she just kept silent, no word out from her mouth. She didn’t give response to Reizi, she felt confused.
        ‘Irma, I do hope you respond my love wisely. I’m sure, you are a best girl.’
        Irma just kept silent. ‘Reizi, sorry.’ She dropped her tear. Then she got in her room, left Reizi alone.
        Since that Irma didn’t teach again. She stopped her carrier but, she also didn’t respond Reizi’s love.

(By Si Sun)